Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Robert Francis & Robert Kelly

Today marks the loss of my father, Robert Francis, 4 years ago.  He was a wonderful man, and taught me so many things about life.  I miss being able to talk to him and hear his opinions and suggestions on how to handle different situations.  He was my biggest cheerleader.  We used to talk about what life would be like when I had children.  As a child of divorced parents, my dad had to drive me back and forth to my mother's house.  There were fields of grapes, and every time we drove by them when they were ripe, he would roll down the windows and we would smell the grapes.  He would always say, when you have a children and you smell the grapes, it will remind you that you need to, "go call grandpa".  I wish I had the chance to call him and have him meet my son.  I know he is smiling down on us each day and would be so proud to be a grandpa. 

As I think about him today, I get to hold the new Robert in my life, my son, Robert Kelly. I pray that he has a love for life, strong work-ethic, and strong personality like his grandfather, for whom he is named after.  And that he is always protected by his guardian angel, Robert Francis.  

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